Selected Awards

Awards for Competitive programming contests

  • Second place at Informatics Olympiad, county phase, in 2015.
  • Mention, awarded in the International Contest of Mathematics and Informatics “Caius Iacob”, VII Edition, 2015.
  • Mention at Informatics Olympiad, county phase, in 2014.
  • Second place, awarded at the International Contest of Mathematics and Informatics “Caius Iacob”, VI Edition, 2014.

Awards for Mathematics contests

  • Second place, awarded at the International Contest of Mathematics and Informatics “Caius Iacob”, VII Edition, 2015.
  • Third place, awarded at National Contest “Mathematics-Science and universal language” V Edition, Mathematics Section, 2014.

Awards for machine learning applications

  • First place, awarded in 2019 at the Kaggle competition “EEML 2019 - Electricity prediction”, which was part of the event “AI for Social Good” organized by “Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School”. Competed against PhD/MSc/Undergraduate students, researchers, and people working in industry.
  • Best Smart Mobility Project, awarded in 2019 at UniHack for the project called “Wave”.
  • Grand Prize, awarded in 2018 at HackTM Sibiu edition for the project called “SafeStreet”. HackTm is the biggest software and hardware hackathon in South Eastern Europe.

Awards for computer security competitions

  • Qualified for the international phase (final round) at “CTF-USV Suceava 2016”.

Honors Diplomas

  • Honour Student, awarded in 2018 by the Romanian Academy, Timisoara City Council, and the Association “Orizonturi Universitare” for outstanding achievements in my professional activity. This distinction is given to the very best student from the whole faculty every year, and I was the only one in my class to receive it.
  • Honors Diploma, awarded in 2015 by Sebis town hall for increasing the prestige of the school and town by the results obtained in Informatics/Mathematics competitions.

Awards for general software applications

  • Second place awarded in 2018 at the national competition “JAVA COMPETITION FOR UNIVERSITIES” organized by ADFABER and ORACLE ACADEMY for the “SPark- Community-Driven Smart Parking” project. This project was covered by multiple newspapers, publications, and websites 1, 2, 3, 4.

Highly Selective Summer Schools

  • Selected in 2024 to attend MLx Fundamentals and MLx Representation Learning & Gen. AI tracks at “Oxford Machine Learning Summer School (OxML)”, organized by Oxford University’s Deep Medicine Program, CIFAR, and AI for Global Goals.
  • Selected in 2019 to attend the “Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School”, organized mainly by Google DeepMind (160 selected participants out of 738 candidates, ranging from undergraduates to professors). I was among the only 12 undergrads selected.

Highly Selective Courses

  • Microsoft. Successfully completed a highly selective software development course in 2018 with an acceptance rate of 6.6%. Learned to develop applications in C# using Bing Maps.
  • Bitdefender. Attend a highly competitive Cybersecurity course in 2017 with an acceptance rate of 10%. Learned to debug desktop/mobile applications and malware using Assembly. Received an employment offer.